Welcome to the web pages of the research team that was created around doc. RNDr. Jana Talašová, CSc. at the Department of Mathematical analysis and applications of mathematics, Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Science. This team specialises on research in the area of multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) under fuzziness, development of new mathematical methods and decision support systems and applying the outputs of its research to real-life problems.
A short overview of each team member's specialisation can be found in the Members section, the most important publications concerning actual topics of interest can be found here. In the research section, you can find the FuzzME software for multiple criteria evaluation and decision making, a description of an information system for academic staff performance evaluation (currently being used at Palacký University, Faculty of Science) - IS HAP and the Registry of Artistic performances (RUV), which is a tool for evaluating outcomes of Czech art colleges.
We are open to international cooperation in research (multidomain research is also of much interest to us) and to projects concerning the application of our resulst and know-how in practice. For this purpose, do not hesitate co contact any of the team members.