News and events of interest
Conference MME 2014 (Mathematical Methods in Economics 2014)
Date: 10. - 12. 09. 2014 Subject areas of the conference:
Conference ODAM 2013 (Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics)
Date: 12. - 14. 06. 2013
This meeting will be organized in sessions with invited and contributed talks. In 2013 the ODAM conference is held to mark the 440th anniversary of founding of Palacky University in Olomouc. |
Workshop ‘Matematické modely a struktury’Date: 12. - 14. 10. 2012 Workshop je určen vědecko-pedagogickým pracovníkům a studentům matematických oborů (všech stupňů studia). Kapacita workshopu je 50 lidí. Bude zorganizovaná doprava z Olomouce. [Workshop is intended for academic and research staff members and students of mathematical fields of study. The capacity of the workshop is limited to 50 participants. Transportation will be organised from Olomouc.] |