doc. RNDr. Jana Talašová, CSc.
Associated Professor of Applied Mathematics
Tel: +420 733 690 804
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Curriculum Vitae (Czech version)
Jana Talašová is an associated professor of Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc. Her research is focused on multiple criteria evaluation and decision making, applications of the fuzzy set theory and linguistic fuzzy modeling. She has developed a teoretical basis for software tools NEFRIT and FuzzME (fuzzy methods of multiple criteria evaluation). Recently, she has been engaged particularly in the use of mathematical models for multiple criteria evaluation in the area of higher education management (a model for academic staff performance evaluation, model for evaluation of creative work outcomes at Czech Art Colleges, analysis of the models for evaluation and funding of Czech Universities). As the chairwoman of the Committee for Higher Education Institutions Quality and its Assessment (of the Council of Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic), she is involved in the process of transformation of Czech higher education.
RNDr. Ondřej Pavlačka, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer
Tel: +420 585 634 027
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Curriculum Vitae
Ondřej Pavlačka is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. His research activity is mainly devoted to the fields of fuzzy sets theory, multiple criteria decision making and evaluation, and decision making under risk. Particularly, he is focused on studying the ways of modelling uncertain variables in decision making models by fuzzy vectors which extend the possibilities of utilizing the vague expert information. Besides that he also cooperate with Insurance education support foundation in developing the model for assessing the expected return and cost of capital of underwritten insurance contracts in cases of high risk.
RNDr. PhDr. Ivo Müller, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer
Tel: +420 585 634 107
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Curriculum Vitae
Ivo Müller is senior lecturer at the Palacký University Faculty of Science, Olomouc, Czech Republic. He received his education at Charles University in Prague in the areas of probability and statistics, psychology, and translatology. His mathematical interests cover multivariate statistics, robust and nonparametric methods. Recently he has joined forces with his colleagues to tackle both theoretical and practical problems in multiple-criteria evaluation and decision making via fuzzy methods.
Mgr. Iveta Bebčáková, Ph.D.
Tel: +420 585 634 615
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Curriculum Vitae
Iveta Bebčáková works as a lecturer at Faculty of Science of Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. She recieved her master degree in Applied mathematics in economy and now is finishing her Ph.D. study of Applied mathematics. Among her research interests are aggregation operators, namely the Choquet integral, their fuzzification and their application to multiple criteria decision making.
Mgr. Pavel Holeček, Ph.D.
Works at Palacký University
Tel: +420 585 634 028
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Curriculum Vitae
After graduating from Computer Science at the Palacký University in Olomouc in 2008, Pavel Holeček went on to study Applied Mathematics at the same university. His field of interest and also the topic of his upcoming doctoral thesis are fuzzy methods of multiple criteria evaluation and fuzzy classification. He has developed the FuzzME software and cooperated in applying it to practical problems, e.g. the soft-fact rating problem of one of the Austrian banks. Currently, he is working on an information system for the academic staff performance evaluation (IS HAP).
Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Stoklasa, D.Sc (Tech.)
Associate professor
Tel: +420 585 634 617
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Curriculum Vitae
Jan Stoklasa graduated in applied mathematics in disaster management (Silesian University, Opava), applied mathematics in economy (Palacky University, Olomouc) and psychology (Palacky University, Olomouc). At present he is finishing his Ph.D. studies at Palacky University in Olomouc. His professional interests include multiple criteria decision support models and evaluation models using fuzzy approach and linguistic fuzzy modeling; application of these models in human resource management, psychology, medicine and management; he also conducts research concerning the applications of fuzzy modeling in disaster management, with focus on the medical rescue services and in the area of University management decision support systems.
Mgr. Věra Jandová
Ph.D. student
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Věra Jandová reached Bachelor degree in Mathematics and its applications and Master degree in Applied mathematics in Economy - both at Palacky University in Olomouc. She writes her Ph.D. work about multiple criteria decision making and group decision making. She is interested in decision making under certainty, especially she focuses on methods like Saaty´s Analytical hierarchy process, method of parcial decision trees, method of pairwise comparison, Electre and so on. She also tries to suggest fuzzy extension of some of these methods.
Mgr. Tomáš Talášek
Ph.D. student
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Tomáš Talášek graduated in applied mathematics in economy at Palacky University in Olomouc. He writes his Ph.D. work about fuzzy controllers and their application in decision making models. He is also interested in fuzzy classification, software solutions for fuzzy problems, fuzzy neural networks and game theory.