Selected publications
Chapters in Books
- Holeček, P., Talašová, J., Müller, I.: Fuzzy Methods of Multiple-Criteria Evaluation and Their Software Implementation IN Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition: Advancing Technologies (editors Mago V. K., Bhatia N.), IGI Global 2012, pp. 388-411, ISBN13: 9781613504291, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-429-1.
- Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J. & Holeček, P.: Registr uměleckých výkonů a hodnocení výsledků tvůrčí činnosti (Registry of artistic performances and evaluation of output of creative work) in Registr uměleckých výstupů 2 (Registry of Artistic Output 2, editor Zelinský, M.), NAMU, Praha, 2012, pp.17-28, ISBN 978-80-7331-231-2.
- Stoklasa, J.: A Fuzzy Approach to Disaster Modelling: Decision Making Support and Disaster Management Tool for Emergency Medical Rescue Services IN Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition: Advancing Technologies (editors Mago V. K., Bhatia N.), IGI Global, USA, ISBN13: 9781613504291, ISBN10: 1613504292, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-429-1, 2012.
Articles in Impacted Journals:
- Pavlačka, O., Talašová, J.: Fuzzy vectors as a tool for modeling uncertain multidimensional quantities. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161, 2010, 1585-1603.
- Pavlačka, O.: Modeling uncertain variables of the weighted average operation by fuzzy vectors, Information Sciences, 181 (22), 2011, 4969-4992. ISSN: 0020-0255
- Pavlačka, O.: Note on the lack of equality between fuzzy weighted average and fuzzy convex sum. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (in press), 2012, ISSN: 0165-0114
- Stoklasa, J., Talašová, J., Holeček, P.: Academic staff performance evaluation – variants of models, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8 (3), 2011, p. 91 – 111, ISSN 1785-8860.
- Bebčáková, I., Holeček, P., Talašová, J.: On the application of the fuzzified Choquet integral to multiple criteria evaluation, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8 (3), 2011, p. 65 – 78, ISSN 1785-8860.
- Zemková, B., Talašová, J.: Fuzzy sets in HR Management, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8 (3), 2011, p. 113 – 124, ISSN 1785-8860.
- Bebčáková, I., Talašová, J., Pavlačka, O.: Fuzzification of Choquet Integral and its application in multiple criteria decision making. Neural network world; Vol. 20, 2010, 125-137, ISSN 1210-0552
Articles in International Journals:
- Pavlačka, O., Talašová, J.: Fuzzy Vectors of Normalized Weights and their Application in Decision Making Models. Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1 (1), 2008, 451-462, ISSN 1337-6365.
- Talašová, J., Pavlačka, O.: Fuzzy probability spaces and their applications in decision making. Austrian Journal of Statistics. 35 (2&3), 2006, 347-356, ISSN: 1026-597X .
Articles in Conference Proceedings:
- Holeček P., Talašová, J., Stoklasa J.: Fuzzy classification systems and their applications, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – Part I, Praha: VŠE Praha, 2011, pp. 266 – 271, ISBN 978-80-7431-058-4.
- Zemková, B., Talašová, J., Holeček, P.: Fuzzy Model for Determining the Type of Worker, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – Part II, Praha: VŠE Praha, 2011, pp. 768 – 773, ISBN 978-80-7431-059-1.
- Stoklasa, J., Talašová, J.: Using linguistic fuzzy modeling for MMPI-2 data interpretation, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – Part II, Praha: VŠE Praha, 2011, pp. 653 – 658, ISBN 978-80-7431-059-1.
- Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J.: A model for evaluating creative work outcomes at Czech Art Colleges, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – Part II, Praha: VŠE Praha, 2011, pp. 698 – 703, ISBN 978-80-7431-059-1.
- Bebčáková, I., Talašová, J.: Fuzzified Choquet integral: a way to model interacting criteria in decision making. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010 (Michal Houda, Jana Friebelová, Eds.), České Budějovice, 2010, pp. 30-35, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2.
- Holeček, P., Talašová, J.: Designing Fuzzy Models of Multiple-Criteria Evaluation in FuzzME Software. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010 (Michal Houda, Jana Friebelová, Eds.). České Budějovice, 2010, pp. 250 – 256, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2
- Zemková, B., Talašová, J.: Application of Fuzzy Sets in Human Resources Management, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010 (Michal Houda, Jana Friebelová, Eds.), České Budějovice, 2010, pp. 682 – 687, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2
- Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J.: Fuzzy approach to academic staff performance evaluation. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010, České Budějovice, 2010, pp. 621-626, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2
- Stoklasa, J.: Multiphase linguistic fuzzy model for the Czech emergency medical rescue services. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010, České Budějovice, 2010, pp. 590-595, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2